Teacher Appreciation Week: April 18th

Don’t forget to show your teachers how much you appreciate their hard work this week!  Here are the themes for each day.  Also, check your email to see if your room-parents have coordinated a classroom gift/ activity.  Some do, and some don’t, but take a quick peek through your inbox or reach out to them just in case!



Thank You, Cheryl!

Cheryl Slaton has been the PTA president for the past 2 years, and although her term is up, don’t worry…. she will still be serving our PTA in a different capacity next year.

To be honest with you, it took a while for me to even realize who she was or put her face with her name.  She demands no recognition, is doing more work behind the scenes than any of us can imagine, has 3 kids, and is a nurse who sometimes works long and late hours and is always on call.  When I started getting to know Cheryl on a personal level, I thought, “Well, she’s a rockstar!  She probably thinks I’m the biggest baby.  And p.s. she’s not the warmest fuzziest person I’ve ever met!”  Then I began to learn some important life lessons from her: #1.) You don’t have to be “warm and fuzzy” to be truly caring and compassionate.  She sincerely cares about Hilltop, and most importantly all of the children.  I have heard her on the verge of tears when talking about a situation that was challenging for a group of kids and teachers, and I have seen her go above and beyond to help anyone who needed it.  Lesson #2.) Suck it up.  Cheryl really doesn’t complain, and everyday for her is unpredictable with demands coming in from work, school, her family…. She’ll tell you “Hey that’s life.  That’s my job.”  I’m trying to really let that soak in!!  #3.) It’s okay to say no.  I really don’t think she carries guilt or regret if she is unable to do something someone asks, and that makes her an awesome leader because she doesn’t harbor resentment.  She does what she can and lets it go if she can’t.

These qualities, and so many more, have made Cheryl a fantastic PTA president, and we have been blessed to know she was getting the job done!!  Aside from her leadership ability, I am proud to call her my friend and someone I know I can count on.  I respect her work ethic, loyalty and ability to give all she has to everything she does.


Keep reading for more praise PTA members have shared about her:

Cheryl has been a fabulous communicator.  Her willingness to meet face to face, accept late night phone calls, and  conduct business on the fly while she is picking up kiddos sparks a great working relationship with me.  When I know I am asking something that will take a lot of man power, money, or out of the box thinking, I love her “Can Do” attitude.  She always believes it’s possible when it comes to serving children.  At Hilltop our number one asset to reaching children is teachers.  She continually encourages our PTA to finding ways to serve those teachers, make them better, and show them appreciation.  Students and teachers are thankful for the fieldtrips and improved learning environments we received in her time as president.

 I am SO THANKFUL to all our tireless, selfless PTA members and especially thankful for Mrs. Slaton’s leadership!  Principal Mandi Pels

I wanted to say how much we have appreciated you as our Hilltop PTA president! You are one of the most dedicated , sincere and hardest workers that I know. You
Put your heart and soul into everything you do and you do it because of the love you have for each one of our precious children! I am honored and proud to call you my friend and fellow PTA member! You Are Truly Awesome!!  Sabrina Spies
We have had an amazing two years with Cheryl Slaton as president of the PTA.  Her service has been noteworthy on many levels, but I will touch on a select few.  Taking on this position requires a few key attributes that allows one to finish well.  Cheryl had the innate ability to develop each project, put teams into action, and complete the task with little to no turbulence.  This position requires dedication, perseverance, and enthusiasm with a complete absence of drama. She graciously accepted thoughts and ideas of others and allowed growth and leadership skills to blossom within her team.  Cheryl Slaton has taken PTA leadership to a new level and will be missed in this role at Hilltop.  She has certainly paved the way for those who watched and learned from her to take on the challenge of president and go on to do great things.

Thank you for your service,  Marla Hawkesworth  

Cheryl has done a phenomenal job leading our PTA for the past 2 years.  She’s organized, reasonable, kind and thoughtful, but most of all reliable!  When you have a leader who consistently demonstrates these leadership skills it flows throughout the organization and enables us to do great things (and encourages participation).  I will miss her dearly but look forward to future projects with Cheryl! Valerie Roehrs

Thank you Cheryl for giving your time and energy towards the Hilltop PTA these past two years.  With a full time job and three little kids, you definitely already had your plate full.  You graciously stepped up and led our PTA.  Thank you for being a great leader!  Kendra Loutherback


When I think of Cheryl Slaton the first word that comes to me is AMAZING!! How does she do it!! Mother of 3, full time nursing job , husband that travels AND is at EVERYTHING that goes on at Hilltop elementary. Cheryl you have been such a gift to our teachers, children and parents at Hilltop. You never expect any credit and always serve with a smile. Thank you for your hard work and commitment to Hilltop PTA.  Gloria Rouly


Cheryl has gone above and beyond in taking care of our students, staff and campus. There was never complaining and always a willing heart to do what is needed and best for Hilltop Elementary. Thank you Cheryl for your service!  Wendy McCue


When I first moved to Argyle, I was hesitant to join the PTA because I had had such bad experiences with the last two schools we had been involved with. Watching you though, I knew that this PTA was a different beast altogether, and I was right. You have handled so many tricky situations with grace and good humor, you manage to make the job seem effortless. I’m impressed and inspired, but my one complaint is you’re stepping down! We wish you could stay on forever.

 Thank you for all you have done for our kids and teachers, it is much appreciated!  Heather Seal-Breslin